Eufemia Restrepo Influences

Eufemia Restrepo

Eufemia Restrepo
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FAMILY: Ufe's most inspiring influence has been her older brother, Jorge Restrepo. He took the role of a father for Ufe, since their father, Juan Ramon Restrepo, passed away when she was 11 from respiratory complications. She says that her father was the most generous and caring person she has ever known. Her brother, Jorge, became a priest in his youth, left the church, and became a professor of Psychoanalysis. Because of him, Ufe started reading when she was young, focused on studing and learned to appreciate classical music... he showed her a whole new world outside their small town of Santa Rita... he was her best friend when she was a little girl. Jorge passed away on Ufe's birthday in 2006.

ARTISTS: Ufe has been influenced by all abstract artists, but most notibly by Kandisky, Paul Klee and Piet Mondrian.

WRITERS: Ufe's favorite writers include Dostoyevsky, Jean-Paul Sartre and Pablo Neruda.

MUSICIANS: Ufe's taste in music is as eclectic as the rainbow. Her favorites are Led Zepplin, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Facundo Cabral, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Placido Domingo, Juan Luis Guerra, Miguel Bose and Bob Marley.